Campervan camping in Sukamantri (again)…

This was our 4th time camping in Sukamantri, Bogor, done in February 2016. Please read our previous posts if you want to know more about Sukamantri camping ground & our experience of camping in a Volkswagen campervan. This time, a photographs essay only, with Red Hot Chili Peppers as the celebrity…
Ini adalah kali keempat kami camping di Sukamantri, Bogor, di bulan Pebruari 2016. Mohon baca beberapa posting kami sebelumnya jika Anda ingin tahu lebih jauh tentang bumi perkemahan Sukamantri & juga pengalaman kami camping menggunakan Volkswagen campervan. Posting ini lebih ke sebuah esai foto, dengan Red Hot Chili Peppers sebagai pesohornya…

Sukamantri Feb16 1

“The mountains are calling. I must go…”

Sukamantri Feb16 2

The majestic Mount Salak (2,211m asl) looks & feels very closed.

Sukamantri Feb16 3

“I’m most alive among tall trees…”

Sukamantri Feb16 4

“There is no wifi here but I promise you will find a better connection.” (but fortunately there’s signal here in Sukamantri, though weak…)

Sukamantri Feb16 6

“One day you will wake up & there won’t be anymore time to do the things you have always wanted. Do it now.” Paolo Coelho

Sukamantri Feb16 7

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” John Muir

Sukamantri Feb16 5

“Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up & chase them…”

Sukamantri Feb16 12

“My years are divided into two seasons: camp & not camp…”

Sukamantri Feb16 9

“I don’t need therapy. I just need to go camping. I don’t get homesick. I get campsick.”

Sukamantri Feb16 11

“There is no app for this…”

Sukamantri Feb16 8

“Home is where we park it.”

Sukamantri Feb16 13

“All good things are wild & free…”

Sukamantri Feb16 14

“Go outdoors. Well traveled. Life was meant for adventure.”

Sukamantri Feb16 10

If you are interested to rent this vintage beauty VW Campervan, please call +62 813 1031 4210 for inquiry – Jika Anda berminat menyewa VW Campervan yang klasik & cantik ini, mohon telepon kami di nomor +62 813 1031 4210.